Wine 101

Wine Sediment 101: Why you Shouldn't Worry
Sediment in wine? Is that supposed to be there? If you’ve ever finished a glass of wine only to find a thin layer of what looks like dirt in the bottom of your glass, you’ve come into contact with wine sediment, also known as wine crystals. The good news...
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Dry Farmed Wine 101
The topic of dry farming doesn’t begin with wine, but in the wine world, it’s only becoming more relevant by the day. If you’ve ever heard the term “dry-farmed wine” you may have been in the presence of a very thoughtful, natural winemaker. But what is dry farming? How...
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Thinking of Joining a Wine Club? Here's the 411
To join a wine club or not? That is a valid question these days. Wine clubs have seen a surge in popularity in the last few years, and during the pandemic shutdown, they secured themselves a spot in the new normal. There are many reasons to join a wine club,...
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Is there Sugar in Wine?: Total Sugars vs Residual Sugars
You can find sugar in everything from soda to yogurt to ketchup. But what about in your wine? The topic of sugar in wine is often misunderstood. The truth is, there are so many different styles and wine regions that determine the sugar levels in your wine. To complicate matters,...
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How to Get Rid of a Hangover Fast
Hangovers are the worst, but they happen. We all get a little carried away from time to time, and a fantastic night can sometimes lead to a miserable morning. Your hangover is an unfortunate reminder that alcohol is a toxin and if we don’t pace ourselves (or eat a good...
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